Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Closest Thing...

...to a vacation I've had in a very, very long time!

My mother and I are packing up Taryn and Devereaux and driving to Portland (Oregon). We're leaving tomorrow night after I get off work. We're renting a Dodge (a Caliber, I believe) and, yes, I'll be driving, thankyouverymuch.

We are going to visit my little sister, Brianna, and her husband, Ash. Mostly so I can drive their new Spyder. *grin* Okay, kidding.


We needed a reason to escape, and a place to escape to, before we both go back to work. Bri and Ash sounded fun to visit. They came down to see us for Christmas, so it's our turn. And what better reason than to show off the new baby, right? Bri is literally ecstatic to meet baby Dev.

We are going to the Portland Children's Museum on Friday night. It's Free Admission day. Woohoo. We are all going to spend a day at the Oregon Zoo (unfortunately the Dinosaur exhibit isn't there for a few more weeks yet). And Ash is going to take a day off so we can all go spend a day at the beach as well.

I'm excited. Yay!

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