Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh, lookie, more whining...

I have reached the stage of this pregnancy where I can no longer breathe. This causes me incessant aggravation. I'm not happy, not happy at all. So... I'm going to share Taryn's birth story, so we can compare later.

With Taryn, I had placenta previa (basically the placenta was blocking her way out) and at the point I'm at now I was seeing the doctor every week. Oh goodie. I stopped working early cuz there was no way my fat self was getting behind the wheel of a minivan (and then out again) fifty plus times a day. Then, at magical week #40, I saw the doctor three times a week. We were doing stress tests and non-stress tests and cervical exams galore. The next week, I saw the doctor every day. Yes. Every day. On Thursday, I was set up with an appointment at the hospital to get that cervical softener goo. The doctor told me that should get everything rolling, but to come back Friday. Friday, no change.

At this point, I was certain I was literally going to be pregnant FOREVER. My doctor, way more optimistic. We setup an induction for Monday @ 5am, but the doctor is quick to assure that this baby "will definitely be born this weekend." Sure, doc. Whatever you say.

Of course, Sunday night came with absolutely no labor in sight. I was up having mini panic attacks all night, partly scared and partly way too excited to sleep. Arrived bright and early Monday morning for my induction, which they got underway very, very quickly. By 6am I was IV'd and having Pitocin contractions. Holy cow, that's not fun!
After that, the timing starts to get blurry for me, I don't remember what time anything happened really, just the order of events.

Later that day, I convinced the doctor I needed drugs (but NO epidural for me, nosiree!); then I was happy. After my three allotted hourly doses of IV pain meds I was told that I was just too exhausted and labor was going too slow and that I really should get an epidural. My mom says this was about 15 hours in, so maybe 8pm? The epidural came around an hour later.

I remember the nice nurse and the nice doctor both left. Both were replaced by evil sidekicks. Eventually (like almost 2am Tuesday morning) it was pushing time. Taryn was born at 2:37am amid doctor and nurses shouting if we didn't get this baby out we were having a c-section.

Yeah, 21 hour induced labor I really don't want to repeat.

I'm done now... Heh.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

I HATE the can't-breathe stage. HATE IT.